
send off  for seniors 
By Prasad.R...

visual basic programs for BCA 3 and BSC(C.S) and ENGG students.

animation control.

Dim flag As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Animation1.Open "c:\search.avi"flag = 1End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()If flag = 1 ThenAnimation1.AutoPlay = TrueElseMsgBox "please press open button"End IfEnd Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
Animation1.CloseEnd Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
EndEnd Sub

simple example for ms excess DATABASE.

Private Sub Command1_Click()Data1.Recordset.MoveNextIf (Data1.Recordset.EOF) ThenMsgBox " end of file"Data1.Recordset.MoveFirst
End IfEnd Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()Data1.Recordset.Delete
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()Data1.Recordset.AddNew'Data1.Recordset.MovePrevious
End Sub


Private Sub Combo1_Click()Text1.FontSize = Combo1.TextEnd Sub
Private Sub Combo2_Click()Text1.FontName = Combo2.Text
End Sub
Private Sub Combo3_Click()If (Combo3.Text = "bold") ThenText1.FontBold = TrueText1.FontItalic = FalseText1.FontStrikethru = FalseText1.FontUnderline = FalseEnd If
If (Combo3.Text = "italic") ThenText1.FontBold = FalseText1.FontItalic = TrueText1.FontStrikethru = FalseText1.FontUnderline = FalseEnd If
If (Combo3.Text = "strikethru") ThenText1.FontBold = FalseText1.FontItalic = FalseText1.FontStrikethru = TrueText1.FontUnderline = FalseEnd IfIf (Combo3.Text = "underlined") ThenText1.FontBold = FalseText1.FontItalic = FalseText1.FontStrikethru = FalseText1.FontUnderline = TrueEnd IfEnd Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()Combo1.AddItem "8"Combo1.AddItem "16"Combo1.AddItem "20"Combo1.AddItem "26"Combo2.AddItem "ms sans serif"Combo2.AddItem "arial"Combo2.AddItem "modern"Combo2.AddItem "impact"Combo3.AddItem "bold"Combo3.AddItem "italic"Combo3.AddItem "strikethru"Combo3.AddItem "underlined"


Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim x As IntegerDim t As IntegerDim h As IntegerDim tn As IntegerDim w(19) As StringDim m(10) As StringDim s As Stringx = Val(Text1.Text)'ch = n - tn * 10w(1) = "one"w(2) = "two"w(3) = "three"w(4) = "four"w(5) = "five"w(6) = "six"w(7) = "seven"w(8) = "eight"w(9) = "nine"w(10) = "ten"w(11) = "eleven"w(12) = "twelve"w(13) = "thirteen"w(14) = "forteen"w(15) = "fifteen"w(16) = "sixteen"w(17) = "seventeen"w(18) = "eighteen"w(19) = "ninteen"m(1) = "ten"m(2) = "twenty"m(3) = "thirty"m(4) = "forty"m(5) = "fifty"m(6) = "sixty"m(7) = "seventy"m(8) = "eighty"m(9) = "ninety"t = Int(x / 1000)x = x - (t * 1000)h = Int(x / 100)x = x - (h * 100)tn = Int(x / 10)x = x - (tn * 10)If (t >= 1) And (t <= 19) Thens = s + w(t) + "thousand"End IfIf (t >= 20) Thens = s + m(t) + "thounsand"End IfIf (h >= 1) Thens = s + w(h) + "hundred"End IfIf (tn > 1) Thens = s + m(tn)ElseIf (tn = 1) Thens = s + w(x + 10)GoTo display
End IfIf (x >= 1) Thens = s + w(x) + "only"End Ifdisplay:Text2.Text = sEnd Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()Text1.Text = ""Text2.Text = ""
End Sub

how to make a simple coollll vb game

>>>>>just copy paste the below code>>>>

Private Sub Command1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)Command1.Top = Int(Rnd * 10000)Command1.Left = Int(Rnd * 10000)Command1.Width = Int(Rnd * 2500)Command1.Height = Int(Rnd * 5700)Command1.BackColor = RGB(Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255)End Sub
Private Sub Form_DblClick()MsgBox "YOU WON GAME OVER"EndEnd Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()Option1.Value = TrueMe.WindowState = 2End SubPrivate Sub Label3_Click()EndEnd SubPrivate Sub Option1_Click()

On Error Resume NextResult = Module1.sndPlaySound("C:\WINDOWS\INSTALL.WAV", 1)
End Sub
Private Sub Option2_Click()On Error Resume NextResult = Module1.sndPlaySound("C:\WINDOWS\", 1)End Sub

how to make transparent form in vb6??

Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "USER32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetLayeredWindowAttributes Lib "USER32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal crKey As Long, ByVal bAlpha As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long
Private Sub Form_Load() SetWindowLong Me.hWnd, (-20), &H80111 SetLayeredWindowAttributes Me.hWnd, 0, 200, &H2End Sub